Is this the “official” logo? I understand how difficult it can be to make something truly professional when you don’t have the skills (which I don’t) or the software (which I also don’t) so I’m not trying to be rude, but wouldn’t it be better if we adopted something…better? I really am not trying to be mean…I really have struggled trying to figure out how to do the stuff that a lot of the artists on deviant do.
There is at least one other thread with a set of logos and badges that are really, really promising here: I promise I don’t know this guy/gal (I didn’t even check the username). Heck if someone else came up with another alternative that would be cool too. It seems important that we have a really nice logo with all the sizes, resolutions, and formats that might be needed.
Is there a reason we couldn’t adopt something else before bitcoin gets too big and it’s too late to change without hurting “brand” recognition? It seems silly to stick with something that is “ok” when we could have something great.
I hope I didn’t step on anyone’s toes to badly.
I’m happy if someone with artistic skill wants to contribute alternatives. The icon/logo was meant to be good as an icon at the 16×16 and 20×20 pixel sizes. I think it’s the best program icon, but there’s room for improvement at larger sizes for a graphic for use on websites.
It’ll be a lot simpler if authors could make their graphics public domain.
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