Just got started with bitcoin. I followed the directions. Forwarded the port. Had quite a few connections up to 40 at one time. I wake up this morning and I see I have 12 connections. ANd five errors saying this bitcoin was generated but not received by any other […]
Read moreRe: Runaway CPU usage for 64bit BitCoin (Linux Client)
I did a forum search, didn’t see this mentioned by anyone yet. I have 5 Bit Coin clients, some running Windows Bit Coin, others running Linux Bit Coin. I only have one 64 bit Linux system, but when I run Bit Coin, after about 10 minutes, the CPU usage runs […]
Read moreRe: Error on Ubuntu 10.04
Hi, Tried bitcoind 0.3 on Ubuntu 10.04 and I get the following error when I run bincoind 05:23:02 IST: Debug: ../src/common/intl.cpp(2554): assert “!m_strShort.empty()” failed in AddCatalog(): must initialize catalog first [Debug] Generating a stack trace… please wait../src/common/intl.cpp(2554): assert “!m_strShort.empty()” failed in AddCatalog(): must initialize catalog first Call stack: [00] 0x80ed73b […]
Read moreRe: Stuck on 513 blocks
When I started bitcoin (windows) It started adding blocks, everything was going well. Then i went and port forwarded (I don’t knwo if that’s related) and around then, probably a bit after, it stuck at 513 blocks. I left it on overnight, and generated 11 more (to be precise, the […]
Read moreRe: bitcoin auto-renice-ing
Hi, I run bitcoin at a nice level of 20 so as not to interfere with other tasks. Every now and then, however, it seems to auto-adjust itself to nice level 2, or even 0. It this by design? Frankly, such a thing should be illegal for a linux application… […]
Read moreRe: Building Bitcoin 0.3
Looks like your wxWidgets and STL – you should compile your own wxWidgets from the 2.9 release. Use something like this to configure it and adjust the reference paths in your makefile.unix Quote mkdir buildgtk cd buildgtk ../configure –prefix=/home/my_user/bitcoin/deps \ –with-gtk \ –disable-shared \ –disable-debug_flag \ –enable-stl \ –enable-utf8 \ […]
Read moreRe: stopped prodicing coins
Given the current jump in ‘difficulty’ at around 875 khash/s I should be generating a block every 2.8 days. So, no complaints…. yet. 🙂 http://www.alloscomp.com/bitcoin/calculator.php Thanks for making that calculator. The difficulty doubled a day or two ago, plus it’s just random and you can have surprisingly long dry […]
Read moreRe: resource hog
i’ve read through the forums, seen a few topics… but… this program really does slow things down. don’t really understand why, if it’s supposed to give priority to other progs. but, crap, makes my system move like it’s walking through treacle!! not a great system, pentium d, 2.8 mhz each […]
Read moreRe: No blocks downloaded… why?
I got my friend to download and try Bitcoin out. I sent him one coin, but he hasn’t received it. For some reason, his client isn’t downloading any blocks. He turned on “Generate Coins” the minute he started the program for the first time. His speeds were in the 1400-1600 […]
Read moreRe: Major Meltdown
Quote from: llama on July 01, 2010, 22:21:47 However, if something happened and the signatures were compromised (perhaps integer factorization is solved, quantum computers?), then even agreeing upon the last valid block would be worthless. True, if it happened suddenly. If it happens gradually, we can still transition to something […]
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